Email Marketing
10 Common Mailchimp Mistakes – And What To Do Instead
Are you making any of these common Mailchimp (email marketing) mistakes? And what SHOULD you be doing instead? If you hate email marketing, don’t do it consistently, or can’t get it to “work”, then this video will show you how to overcome the mistakes and make it easier and more effective.
Read MoreEmail Content That Generates Sales
You know that email marketing works best when you’re consistent in sending out valuable emails. But what the heck do you write about? If you’ve run out of ideas, here are 5 types of content that’ll get your readers’ attention AND help generate additional sales for your business.
Read MorePrune Your Email List Monthly
You’re proud of your growing email list. But is it bringing you the value you need or expect? One often overlooked problem is the number of inactive subscribers – those who never even open your emails, let alone read them. So what should you do about them?
Read MoreEmail Marketing: Does Size Really Matter?
You’ve probably seen them. The Facebook ads and blog posts about “Get 1,000 Subscribers in Just 3 Weeks” or “Build Your Email List to 1,000 Subscribers Today!” or… well, you get the point.
Somehow it seems that 1,000 subscribers is a magic bullet – that you’ll suddenly start making tons of sales and more money if you can just get past that 1,000 subscriber threshold.
Read MoreIncrease Email List Subscriptions with High-Converting Opt-In Forms
To realize the many benefits of an email list, you need to have people on your list. But how, exactly, do you generate a list in the first place? Basically, you need to do two things: (1) Ask them to sign up and (2) have a way for them to provide their email address to you. In other words, you need an opt-in form or page. Here’s how to do it right.
Read MoreThe 2 Keys to Keeping Your Email Marketing Legal
Anti-spam laws. Privacy. How do you stay compliant with all the laws and still send impactful marketing emails? Here’s what you need to know …
Read MoreHow To Get People To Open Your Emails
Which would you rather have – a 1000-subscriber email list with a 10% open rate, or a 500-person list with a 50% open rate? It’s not all about the size of your list! If subscribers don’t actually read your emails, you might as well not bother sending them. So how do you encourage people to…
Read More20 Ways to Get More Subscribers & Grow Your Email List
If you build it, they will NOT come… So here’s some practical, actionable advice on exactly how to get more quality subscribers for your email list.
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