Quick Reads
What's New & What To Do About It
Citations Are ‘Table Stakes’ for Local Businesses
If you don’t have your citations in order, you’re killing your chances of appearing in the local pack and organic listings in the Google search results.
Why Getting Online Reviews Is Critical
When it comes to online reviews, the biggest deciding factors in whether a consumer will do business with a company are …
Major Change to Google Ads (formerly AdWords) – Use It To Get Better Results
Google recently added an extra headline and description to expanded text ads (there are now 3 headlines & 2 description fields). What does it mean for you?
Google is Recording Calls From Your Ads
Google will now record a sample of calls to your business from Google Ads that have call extensions enabled. Agree to it or you can’t use call extensions.
Blog Articles
Have you ever held back from implementing a new idea, publishing a blog post, or updating your website because it’s not quite perfect? I know I have. And I’ve regretted it. I had an interesting conversation with a client yesterday about why his blog hasn’t been updated in four months. He told me that he…
Which would you rather have – a 1000-subscriber email list with a 10% open rate, or a 500-person list with a 50% open rate? It’s not all about the size of your list! If subscribers don’t actually read your emails, you might as well not bother sending them. So how do you encourage people to…
How do you reach new readers, subscribers, buyers, or customers?
Think about it – the people visiting your website, following you on Twitter, or subscribing to your blog already know you. They’re familiar with your brand, your products or services, and what you have to say. Those aren’t the people you’re trying to attract. Instead, you need to get your story out there in multiple formats and and through as many channels as possible so that people who don’t know you can find you.
Where do most of your customers come from? If you’re like most companies, you’re starting to see more business coming through the internet and web buyers are becoming a larger part of your revenue stream. Whether you’re selling services (design, consulting, coaching) or products (equipment, plants), internet-based marketing and sales should be a part of how you do…
If you build it, they will NOT come… So here’s some practical, actionable advice on exactly how to get more quality subscribers for your email list.
There are two main providers of email marketing (email list) services – AWeber and MailChimp. You may also have heard of Constant Contact, which is used by many larger companies, but I don’t recommend it because of some limitations with the number of images you can use, storage, and tracking. I use both AWeber and…
Do you have a healthy and growing email list? If not, why not?
If you’re a small business, you need an email list. It’s as simple as that. Without it, it’s hard to even call yourself a business – you won’t stay top-of-mind with customers, it’s difficult to create excitement about your brand or product, and you can’t sell the way you want to.
Even as companies jump onto the social media bandwagon, they carefully manage their email list because it’s the single best way to convert leads into business – online and off.
Do you know who’s visiting your site? Where they’re coming from? Which pages they’re visiting, and for how long? If you don’t, you probably haven’t installed Google Analytics. If you own a website, Google Analytics should be one of your best friends. It’s a free, simple-to-use analytics tool that helps you learn all about the…
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